September 24, 2003


Mood : Romantic ( so wanted to put something romantic down and I was thinking about my favourite things in life and what makes me happy.. so here goes....) ----Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings Silver white winters that melt into springs These are a few of my favorite things----- I could not help but use these words of a beautiful song that always seem to make me feel alive. I have many things in life which are belong to my archive of favourite things. Anyway I would like reminisce about a few of them here. I apologise if you think I am drooling with sentimentalism but the weather is such that I cannot help pouring out my thoughts... ****************************************************** My birthplace ****************************************************** Shillong, a beautiful place. A place where I opened my eyes to, a place where I was cocooned in the warmth of a loving family and companionship of many a close friends, a place where I was allowed the chance to appreciate the simple things in life and how it mattered to be just happy. A place where the mountains taught me strength.. to forebear life's worse adversities and remain standing as strong as possible no matter what. I love this place mostly because there are so many memories I made there. Happy memories and sad memories and when I look back behind every memory I can visualize the mountains which were always there with me when I was melting with joy or drowning in my sorrow. Mmmmmmmm the smell of fresh pine, a hot brewing cup of tea, the sound of a running spring, the rustling of tall pine trees and the ocassionnal fluttering of birds.... the sound of silence .... absolute heaven.... yes this definitely will always be my favourite thing. ****************************************************** Family and Old friends ****************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------- Family I cannot do without ... with whose love and support I always bring myself about. ---------------------------------------------------- I learnt the importance of family since the time I struck out on my own, I never realised that its so hard to survive without the support of loved ones. I was bent on making it on my own little realising what I would miss when I reached the goal I searched out for. But yes I can never do without them.. not when I am happy not when I am sad. ---------------------------------------------------- Old friends I hold dear.... and each and everyday I wish you all were here. ---------------------------------------------------- Old friends are scattered now and I would give anything to meet them and bring them into my lives. Its a way of life I know but I can never forget the warmth and simplicity of just being friends without much thinking about the future. Friends who stood by you no matter what, friends who shared the growing pains, friends with whom we shared our first crushes, friends with whom we crammed for exams and friends with whom we played the truant and got away with it. Wish we also had the opportunity to grow old together. ****************************************************** Shopping ****************************************************** What I love about shopping is collecting unique items. I try as much to get something which is very unusual so you can imagine how much effort I have to go through to find something which is unique and well worth the price .. (More often than not its more than I can afford)... In India thats the fun, to browse and then haggle. :) ****************************************************** My collection of Knick knacks ****************************************************** Well love to collect stuff .. again something which is unique to a place something like souveniers. I also love collecting perfumes, lipsticks, music albums, books, photographs, cute boxes... small dolls, small soft toys, etc.. My friends tell me that I am going to take them with me when I die like the Pharaohs of Egypt took their valuables with them in their tombs... ha ha !! ****************************************************** Animal and animal babies ****************************************************** I love them absolutely love them... a puppy's first steps, a kittens nestling in my shoulder for warmth, a leopard cub's playfulness, lion cubs, tiger cubs, horses. Most of all I love dogs more than anything else mainly because of their selfless love and infinite companionship.. ****************************************************** Memories ****************************************************** Yes I have many and hope to make many. And I cherish them with my heart just by remembering. My first song, my first exam, my first singing lesson, my first crush, my first love, my first job, my first friends, my first failure, my first meeting with my hubby,my marriage rock shows of Deep Purple, Scorpions, etc. Recently I am enamoured by new borns of my friends. The babies are absolutely adorable and yes I shall always cherish the first time I saw them.... Well I guess thats not it but I think I am going to stop here...yes before I go.. I would also like to add -----Hugs from my man, kisses on my forhead Walking in the rain and then drinking hot choclate Wiggling my toes in fresh dew grass Writing my thoughts and having good laughs Painting my memories and riding the wind... These are the few more of my favourite things .....