March 07, 2005

Heavy Duty Knopfler

That was what it was... splendid show... with great music... but too short thats what everybody thought.. We could have had the show for some 15 more minutes... but i guess thats the way it was.. Started dot at 7:30 and finished at 9:45. Though he sang some numbers which I had not heard.. they were cool.. the rest of the crowd thought so too.. some did not like the soulful numbers.. He changed guitars like drinking from different glasses of water.. :) Was great seeing him play the famous Black metal guitar... heard at the show... from one woman to her new boyfriend ... who was trying to groove to a slow number with her... just next to us... By the way we were swinging ourselves to the beat... suddenly Woman: Stop it .. what are you doing Stop it ... Man: I am trying to hold you... Woman: if you cannot hold me decently why do you bother... Man: What Happened I am just Holding you.. come on... Woman: You are POKING me.. all over... ???? Man: (At a loss but not to be beaten) and what of your hair poking me all over my face... ( that too at his bearded face.. now he did not know whether it was his hair poking him or his girl's hair) Me in my man's arms Closing my eyes trying to groove to the music.. but could not help gurgling it out... with my back to them.. giving a conspiratorial look at my tall husband... hahahaha !!!! I pity the man !!! Poor guy... but before I could laugh ,... I became enthused in rocking to the Sultan's of Swing !!! Knopfler's improvisation.. was the highlight of the show.. I think they were great.. Not like Bryan Adam's improvisation of A Night to Remember.. That was so ghastly !! :( NOTE: Rock Shows shows should make a special thing for short people like us.. I felt like a dwarf... and all hulks were trying to hog my place.. this is the only time I was defeated by my weight... I had to knock on their huge shoulders to let them know that I could not see and some out of their enthusiasm almost stepped on my mini foot with their giant ones... EEEP ... And it seems I was not the only one.. there were other short gals facing the same problem.. hehee !.. Though my six foot man rocky offered me to pick me up.. I was too embarassed... Sheesh.. next time.. baby... How come Bangalore is producing so many tall guys all at one go ? There were very few back in the other rock shows... SIGH !! It was after much adjusting that I got two gaps in between heads to have a look at the Screen... SIGH !! BUT ON THE WHOLE IT WAS FUN !!!!!